Friday, December 13, 2013

Better Than The Middle Finger!

This may be a little old news to some, but I have learned how to piss people off when driving, without giving them the middle finger. I started doing it on the motorcycle a year or so ago. When you pass someone doing something that is just not proper while driving, as you go by look over at the offender and shake your head. It pisses them off more than giving them the finger! Yesterday, while heading to Hagerstown, there was this Chrysler 300 in the passing lane, lane three going up a mountain, going slower than the speed limit. Now, the driver had the limo style tint, so I could not see in. As I approached, there was a tractor trailer in lane 1, and a God Damn Prius in the middle lane so I had no where to go. I moved over to the edge of the lane so he would see me in the mirror, but, wait for it.................he had no rear view mirror on the drivers door. Finally, we passed the Prius and I moved to the middle lane. Oh, did I mention that he had about a half a foot of snow on top of the car too? So, as I passed him on the right side, I looked over, shook my head as I passed. Must have really got him because he sped up along side of me. But there was a semi in the lane I was in, so I moved right to the cruise lane and passed the semi. Well the 300 got held up by traffic and did not catch up until about five miles later. I smiled as he went screaming by. Needless to say, he almost caused several crashes by the time I left the interstate in Hagerstown. I just shook my head.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

101, Just like WMMS!

When I was growing up, before digital readouts on your car radio, WMMS was 101 on your FM dial.

Today, I crossed the 101 lbs loss since February 21st!

So far, this has been a wonderful journey.

While I have had assistance from the medical community in this weight loss, it was not without a lot of trying without it.

So, as I think about the days of yesteryear, I am glad that today I am associated with WMMS besides listening to Murray Saul, Kid Leo, Boom Boom and Jeff and Flash in the morning!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Whole Foods Saga, AGAIN!

As you probably remember from my "Life In The Muck" writings, Whole Foods can be an adventure. So today I went to Whole Foods in Fair Oaks/Lakes. Never mind that its two days before Thanksgiving, never mind that everyone in NOVA thinks the world is going to be iced over by the weather we are having, never mind that, well never mind. So, traffic was stupid, as it only can be here in NOVA. Took me an hour to get to my favorite Whole Foods. I could/should have went to the one in Springfield, but no, I like the olive bar, sushi bar at the Fair Oaks one. I pull into the parking lot. As usual, "do-gooder liberals" have no clue how to drive their mini vans, let alone their Prius'. So, in front of the store, we wait for all of the non hair washing women and the children that are put in "time out" instead of having their ass' beat to walk. A idiot liberal tries to put his mini van between the car in front of me and the store so he can, what I assume is pick up his groceries. I do not let him in, because simply, it was not his turn to pull out. I finally make it to a parking space. As I am walking up, there is the mini van, with four ways on, parked in the cross walk. For shits and giggles, I walked up to him and asked if he knew he was on the cross walk and people were being put in danger by having to walk around (Like I really cared). Well, in typical NOVA liberal fashion, he was a NON ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think of latino descent. He did not (or so he acted like) understand a word I said. I shook my head, walked away and saw the cart guy laugh as I walked towards the store. But wait, the fun still has not really started. There is a young lady, of Asian descent, getting a cart in front of me. But she is not moving. She too is not speaking english. I wait. I still wait. About a minute, she turns around and notices that there are several people standing behind her waiting to grab a cart. She is talking on her cell phone. Oblivious to anything going on around her. A prime candidate for the "Knock Out Game", she had that "look. As she went by me, I mentioned that if she hung up the cell phone she might get her tasks done. Of course, I got a dirty look, I think she at least could interpet english. Through the door we go. Let the fun begin! Out of nowhere, BAM! A gray, unwashed haired with denim shirt smelly tree hugger female runs right into me. Does not say excuse me and keeps going. "Wash your hair lately?" I say. She turns around and looks, sees that I am wearing a black Carhart jacket, and I think she thought better to not say anything and scuttled away. First stop, apples. What do I find at the apple display? Cheese samples! A black pepper crusted cheese. I had to taste it! OH BOY! I grab two apples, bag them and move to the oranges. MORE CHEESE! A Merlot flavored Cheese! As I reach for a toothpick, LOOK OUT! Across my body, out of nowhere, another person of Asian descent. This man, was muscling me like the Asian in a casion do to you at the roulette table. Mind you, its only the two of us in front of the oranges at this time, and he acts like I am going to pick up the bowl of samples and run for a touchdown. I blurt out "really" to which he gives me that "how dare you" look. I said, dude, there is plenty and if you wait three seconds, you can have it all! He mumbled something in his native tongue and I just walked away. Grab a couple lemons and a lime, some really good goat cheese and move on. As I pass the onions, I cannot find scallions. I ask. NO SCALLIONS today at Whole Foods. The nerve. I laughed and said I would go to Giant in the morning. The latino stocker did not see the humor, but he spoke english. Now, one of the reasons I like the particular Whole Foods is because the have a large selection of EVERYTHING! They have several "....Bars". Sushi Bar, wine bar, sandwich bar a little cafe, a buffet and so on. My mission was to get some olives from the olive bar! The other MAIN reason I go to Whole Foods is because the CEO dislikes Obummer, chastised Obummer Care and is 2nd Amendment friendly. Whole Foods has the same policy as Starbucks. If any carry is legal in the state the store is located, then so be it. Wonder why that Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America group has not protested Whole Foods? Wait, I know, they would not be able to purchase their "glutten free" products for their brat kids! So, I now know from the fruit and veggies at the entrance, that it is CHEESE DAY at Whole Foods. So, my focus is now on tasting every sample to find something nice for Thanksgiving to go with the other cheeses I have. A quick stop in the "condiment" isle. Wow, only one kind of pickle. Nope, looks like Giant, and "Gas Points" for the pickles. So, I grab a soup for work dinner and chicken broth and move on. Determined to "get more cheese" (Souunds like a book), I am now blocked by a latino young man kneeling to the bottom shelf, and a seasoned citizen with cart blocking forward movement, looking the other direction. Both reminded me of seasoned citizens in a casino, dazed and confused, stopping for not appearent reason and blocking everyone else around them. But, this time, I had cheese on my mind so I waited patiently for both to move on. Actually, I was looking at some interesting organic products on the shelf. The seasoned citizen turned around about a minute later, and blurted out "you could have asked me to move" to which I responded "not to worry, I am no longer in a hurry". The latino is still kneeling and never paid attention to us (I think he could not understand english). Again, "you could have asked me to move". Again, I smiled, and responded that I was not in a hurry. He huffed, moved his cart out of the isle and said "there you go!". I smiled, moved out past the latino, (still kneeling and not acknowleging us) out of the isle. As I turned my back, the seasoned citizen mumbled "rude asshole". I turned around, laughed lightly and said "not to worry liberal cocksucker, aren't you part of the party of TOLERENCE?". His face turned red, he was getting pissed and I just kept walking towards the CHEESE! I stopped at the olive bar which was next to the cheese. Did I mention that it did not matter what display items were on display, there was cheese with it! I push my cart to a little corner of the olive bar and a young (does not really know she is) do-gooder comes around the corner with her son screaming for some cheese, and her telling him to behave. Bumps into my cart. Believe it or not, when she said she was sorry, I told her to not worry about it, she was tending to her son. She smiled and turned around. I lifted the bowl of cheese on the display next to her cart, pointed to it as I showed her son. He screamed at her "I want Cheese"! Priceless! I laughed. So, I get my container of mixed olives. Boy is Lisa gonna be happy! Next to the olive bar? The cheese counter!!! I start sampling some very potent flavors. I am in heaven. But wait..... Her come two mature ladies. Probably mother/daughter. Their hair is well kept, they are wearing nice clothes. Just a babbling away while tasting cheese. "You have got to try the cranberry cheese" the younger one says to her mother. "I will, where is it" says the mom. "Its over here" the daughter says. "Its gone" she says when she does not see it. Being the polite gentleman I am, I point out the cranberry cheese to the younger one (I know it is the cranberry, because its got the color and the little sign on the display says CRANBERRY!). Not wanting to be showed up in front of her mother by a conservative young man with a mustache and goatee, she says "thats not it"! I look at the sign, taste a piece, savor it and look at he and say "your right, its rasberry, have a good day". I walk away. I select a few choice flavors for Thanksgiving, and make my way to the cashier who is very pleasant. I make my way to the cart guy and give my cart to him, smile and tell him Happy Thanksgiving, and I am on my way home. I really thought I was in the Twilight Zone, but alas, just NOVA!

Lets Catch Up!

As I was surfing here at work, I came across my old "Life In The Much" Blog. WOW, has it been almost five years since I posted anything? Come to realize, I have been with the Pentagon for almost five years now too. WOW! Well, let us recap from my last post. I finally had all of my documents in order for DMV and became a Virginia Resident. Was issued my Virginia Handgun Permit. Moved out of the place I was in, really could not stand the landlords son, he thought it was need to "boss around" white Americans. Him being of Middle Easter desent and all. Living in a much better place with a MUCH BETTER LANDLORD. He and his family are real good to me. Only issues I have had with my place was the flood about a year and a half ago that wiped out the carpet and just really made a mess. Other than that, I enjoy where I am living. I joined a Motorcycle Club. Not an "outlaw" type of club, but a Military MC. Have been with them since March 2009 and have worked my way up to National Vice President. WOW! I have had two more Motorcycles since I last wrote. Sold Pearl to a lifelong friend that lives in NC, traded my '05 HD Police bike in on a 2013 Ultra. Can you say ride in comfort???? Since 2009 I have logged over 77,000 miles on the motorcycles. Two seperate trips to Texas, one trip to Missouri, Seattle and last year Sturgis, South Dakota. Not for the rally, but for my Clubs National Run. I love my Club, and I love the Military Brotherhood that I lost when I left the Army in '95. My poor HHR, I wrecked her in December of 2009, during the initial part of the first of two snow storms that winter. I was driving to fast and slid into the curb on the way home from officiating a game. Folded the front passenger wheel under. Insurance fixed it, and she runs great. She does have 140K miles on her now. Just this week, I changed the plugs and timing chain tensioner. All in about an hour. Gotta love that car! Lisa and I have done a lot of stuff. Daytona Bike Week 2009, Ohio Bike 2009, 2009 Spring Michigan Race, Mardi Gras 2010, Deck The Halls Wine tasting twice, Fall Myrtle Beach Bike week twice, Delmarva Bike Week twice, a three day trip to Niagra Falls, two cruises on Carnival, Disney Orlando (Thanks Matt and Becky) and Universal Florida, several Maryland Renaissance festivals, an Irish Festival and other small little trips. I have been promoted twice since coming to the Pentagon, and right now I have moved to the leased facilities directorate, a branch of my agency that manages all the buildings associated with the Pentagon. Probably the biggest event in the last five years has been the birth of my Grandson Coal! Charlie gave birth to him on February 24th, 2013!!!! I am so proud of her. I tell her all the time, but I really do not think she knows how serious I am! He is growing so fast, and she just posted a video of him and the steps in the house. WOW! Some more good family news, my sister Becky took a job in Houston, Tx about two years ago and I am so happy for her! Gonna go see her in December. My brother, whom has not spoke to anyone in YEARS, is back in touch with the family and that makes me happy too!! Well, I think that about covers it. Gotta really start posting again.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Its been a while.....

Well, its been a while since I posted....Lets start with today and Virginia DMV.....

What a crock! They give you a list of things to bring to verify your residence, then when you bring in what you think is the right stuff, ITS NOT WHAT THEY WANT!!

I bring in forwarded mail, with the yellow sticker, I have all my insurance stuff, I have mail that comes to the house, because it wont go to my PO box....NOT GOOD ENOUGH...

So, I am working with my landlord to do a lease, then I can become a Virginia Resident.....One good thing about not changing my state residence, my concealed weapons permit is good as a non resident! But I do have the Virginia application filled out!


Right now, I am working the Alarm Desk. It is boring, but an IMPORTANT part of the Pentagon system. I am learning one system, and will move to the others next week. Lots of alarms!

My shift has seen me dispatch, and since I am an Excellent Dispatcher, and they have seen that already, they want me to work alarms for a while.

It appears that two supervisors are leaving......Time to move up! We shall see.

I live in Falls Church, Va. I have a basement place. Its nice, a little small, but its okay for me!

I had to trade in the Rodeo, she had 160K miles on her, and would have never passed inspection. Inspecitons, welcome back to "Tax Happy" east coast!

I bought a 2008 Chevy HHR. Black, very cool looking, and it gets between 25-30 MPG!!!!!!!!!

Looks like the one above!

I have been on the ice slowly. Getting back into it. Good to see all my skating friends!

Okay, that is it for now.....